"Proof is in the pup"
Breeding purebred, home-raised CKC
Boxers & DBR Buggs!
Home of some of the Darkest,
Reddest, Richest Mahogany Fawns known to the Boxer
world! And now, the most highly spirited Buggs!
Welcome to Professional
Boxers! Our Boxers are our pride and joy, and we are very pleased to share our amazing healthy, friendly lines to
qualified homes; local or afar! We're so proud that within our first 2 litters, we've already gone International! We've placed
puppies throughout Maine, New Hampshire, Massachussets, and Canada! Whether you are seeking a family pet as a couch potato,
hiking companion or home guardian- you're sure to find that perfect Boxer puppy from us as ours excel at all of the above! We
accept Puppy Applications year round even if no puppies are available as paid waiting
lists are maintained for those seriously interested.
Exciting News! We've added an exceptional new Boxer
puppy to our herd. She's thus far all we could've hoped for in a new addition! Now, while our main color focus will continue
to be our rich red fawns, in addition to these we have the ability to produce black (sealed brindle), white, sandy fawn, and
various brindles in an assortment of markings! We are very excited at the potential of future babies :-)
More Exciting
News! Professional Boxers is getting Bugged! We've decided to incorporate Buggs (Boston Terrier/Pug designer hybrids) into
our home! After much consideration as to the direction we wanted to head in with our Boston, Beacon, we decided that Buggs
are the cutest Boston hybrid breed. Their energy, spirit and most precious looks make them the perfect addition. Please visit
our Bugg related pages for more info.
AND... We rescued a Pit Bull that was facing euthanasia. Please read
about Diesel on his page. He is available to a highly qualified home.
Three of our kids; Martial, Kihei & Maggie |

Martial; 6 mos, Kihei; 3 mos, Maggie, 8 1/2 years |
Thanks to the assistance of a caring neighbor, we are now learning how to obtain a
kennel license! This would enable us to EXPAND our numbers even further should we decide to broaden our breeding programs.
Many thanks! :o)